What’s this "kit" thing that everyone talks about?

What’s this "kit" thing that everyone talks about?

Photo Credit: u/patiencsquirrel4728

This is a discussion that hammered home the need for this blog - comes from r/liberalgunowners. I'm approaching this from a 2A approach, but the ideology can be applied to emergency response or protesting. 

In short, a kit contains basics that one will need in a tactical or SHTF/emergency situation. Every Joe-schmo with a YouTube account will tell you what's the best thing to get, and I guess I now join their ranks.

Let's break this down into a couple tiers. **

Tier 1: Weapon(s)

  • Most will agree on this - without a weapon you can't defend yourself.
  • There will be another post about primary vs secondary weapons, but a rifle is generally considered your "main gun". A pistol is there to help you get to your primary or as a back up. 

Tier 2: Support gear for your weapon and you

  • Rifle Sling - 2 point padded slings are the most convenient and comfortable. Single point slings may look cool, but are generally considered impractical unless you’re doing lots of vehicle ops. 
  • Duty belt - good for carrying all the items below. There are tons of configurations, many consisting of an inner Velcro belt and an outer duty belt. 
  • Level 2 or 3 retention holster for a duty rated side arm.
  • Medical - have an ifak or a TQ at minimum (and take a Stop the Bleed class.
  • Standard mag pouches: 1 for rifle and 1 for your side arm. Esstac Kywi, HSGI Taco, kydex
  • Backpack with: water, food, spare undies, spare socks, extra mags
  • Note: some will argues that comms go here. 

Tier 3: Body

Tier 4: Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one

  • This is where we reach peak guntube circle-jerk. And everyone has an idea. 
  • Some examples of what falls here: Night Vision (called NODS), restraining zip-ties, fuzzy handcuffs, mass trauma kit, your 500 boots and pants that you never wear except for when you LARP with your homies.

*Remember to look up any armor that you're buying. Below you can see the list of NIJ certified armors/companies.

Keep in mind that the NIJ changed their testing standard last year to account for drop testing as part of LVL 4. Prior to this several companies had lvl 4 compliance, but were immediately compromised with any sort of drop.


**And for the sake of optics, if nothing else... Get your kit in standard colors for tac: Ranger Green (my fave), Multicam, Multicam tropic, Coyote, black. Save the inclusive pride flag PC's at home. The point of color is to be able to blend into your environment. 

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